Tourism / Hospitality / Accommodation / Businesses

Responses due by 30 June, 2018

Disclaimer: This Expression of Interest is not binding on Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Ngahere Limited (NMWoKNL) and is to be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions outlined below

  • Please provide a brief overview of the respondent’s existing commercial activities, geographical operations, scale, history, ownership, organisational structure and capability. Reference to websites or provision of corporate literature to assist is acceptable.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Please provide any other relevant information / feedback relating to this EOI that is not covered elsewhere, and that should be taken into consideration

EOI Response Terms & Conditions:

  1. NMWoK is the legal owner of the Woodhill Forest.
  2. NMWoK will not be bound by or liable for any oral advice or information given by it or any person on its behalf in connection with this Expression of Interest (EOI).
  3. NMWoK is not responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by any respondent or prospective respondent in preparing and lodging an EOI, supplying any information requested or entering into any negotiations or for any other reason whatsoever.
  4. No contractual relationship will arise between NMWoK and any respondent or prospective respondent until an operating agreement / access licence (or similar formal, signed arrangement) has been executed by NMWoK and any successful respondent.
  5. NMWoKNL reserves the right to vary the processes and timetable set out in the EOI document and to suspend or cancel the EOI process at any time.
  6. NMWoKNL reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse to consider, reject and/or accept (as the case may be) any submission and is not obliged to give any reasons for any such refusal to consider, rejection or acceptance.
  7. NMWoKNL reserves the right, in its absolute discretion to:
    a. Contact any or all respondents to clarify matters related to the submission, without informing other respondents of this contact; and
    b. Negotiate with any one or more respondents and any person who may not be a respondent, and in either case NMWoKNL is not obliged to disclose this to any other respondent.
  8. NMWoKNL reserves the right (with the respondent’s consent) to undertake, or cause to be undertaken by an independent body, a financial assessment of any respondent.
  9. All information and discussions relating to this EOI process shall be kept confidential and each respondent shall not disclose such information except as required by law.
  10. NMWoKNL may keep contact with unsuccessful respondents to inform them of further developments / opportunities in our forests. At any time, NMWoKNL can be instructed to cease contact.

Expression of Interest Process:

  1. Expressions of interest must be received by 30 June, 2018. All EoIs received will be acknowledged.
  2. By 31 July, 2018, NMWoKNL will have:
    • short-listed a few EoIs and engaged further with those respondents, looking to advance consideration of their proposals
    • informed unsuccessful respondents, whose EoIs will nonetheless be retained for future consideration as NMWoKNL capacity and other developments at Woodhill / Riverhead allow.